Companies catalogueInformation Technology Administration of the City of Pilsen

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Czech Republic / Jihozapad

Information Technology Administration of the City of Pilsen

Focus area / regional smart specialisation:

RO details:

Available services

  • OpenData from IoT city network

Offered datasets

  • IoT data

History of the institution

Since 1998, we have been working hard to facilitate the everyday life of the inhabitants of Pilsen and employees of municipal organizations. Thanks to our long-term experience and knowledge of public services, we come up with many technological innovations supporting the development of a smart city. We know how modern technology can help everyone - from schoolchildren to seniors, from officials to entrepreneurs. We follow trends and technological developments and in some areas we are among the top Europeans.

History of RO

We build and operate the entire city's information infrastructure: We support all users of city organizations. We facilitate the performance of urban agendas, electronic administration at offices, teaching with the help of modern technologies. Since January 2017, we operate the IoT communication network on the open LoRaWAN platform in the unlicensed 868 MHz band. We can collect, structure and provide data to anyone who wants to work with them. We realize agglomeration Testbed for O2 technology of 5G network. We are the leader in operation of Drone squadron for the needs of the city agglomeration and the Integrated Rescue System. We run a training center Robotics and IoT. We run an OpenSpace infrastructure for start-ups in digitalization. We are developing a city information system with hundreds of related applications enabling the city to perform services and agendas. We draw inspiration for the development of the information system primarily from our clients, but also from the prestigious European programs HORIZON2020 (HORIZON EUROPE), in which we successfully participate. Project by PoliVis, DUET, or S4AllCities.
