Poland / Slaskie
Central Mining Institute
Focus area / regional smart specialisation:
RO details:
Available services
- Internal database of the RO
- Agenda of industry related trainings and events
- Access to library
- Industry related reports on enviornment protection
- Liaison services in technology, access to the contact database
- Patent services
- General dissemination events on environment protection
- Dedicated workshops for companies and local administration on environmental technologies and environment protection
- Project-based delivering policy recommendations for the region, state and the EU
Offered datasets
- Data on environment and environmental technologies
- Expert reports
Tools and procedures
The general idea of the Network of Regional Specialised Observatories allows better capturing of weak signals in and across industries, which helps in the situation of imperfect data.
Best practices
History of the institution
Since 1945, the Central Mining Institute has been involved in mining industry especially in the Upper Silesia region. The Experimental Mine “Barbara” in Mikołów, established 20 years before is a part of the Institute. The Institute’s activity concentrates on the problems concerning work safety, modern technologies and mining techniques as well as environmental protection against the effects of industrial activity, in particular mining. The results of scientific and research works conducted in the Institute constitute the basis for the modern and safe Polish mining industry, and many of them are applied also in the world's mining industry. The Central Mining Institute provides services for all the branches of industry, institutions and offices of the central and local administration as well as the foreign partners. The basis for the Institute’s success are modern methods of management, scientific potential and qualifications of employees. The increase in the education level of the staff and research base have got a decisive influence on the works carried out, and influence satisfaction of our customers, and this in turn builds the scientific and market position of the Institute. The strategic aim of the Institute is gaining the long-lasting position of the research establishment in the European Research Area in the field of geo-engineering – the science involved in the phenomena and processes connected with the Earth. The Integrated Management System was introduced in the Institute. It meets the requirements of the following standards PN-EN ISO 9001:2009, PN-EN ISO 14001:2005 as well as PN-N-18001:2004 confirmed by the certificate issued by the Polish Centre for Testing and Certification (PCBC S.A.). The Central Mining Institute is a Notified Body No. 1453 within the scope of the European Union directives: 94/9/EC (ATEX), 98/37/EC (machine), 93/15/EEC (explosives for civil use). It is also the only in Poland certifying unit within the scope of anti-explosion safety, in accordance with the IECEx world system of certification.
History of RO
From the very beginning of the regional observatory concept, the Insititute participated in the work of the Marshal's Office of the Śląskie Voivodeship aimed at targeted activities towards the protechnological and innovative development of the region. The Institute got involved in the project Network of Regional Specialised Observatories and also in the process of entrepreneurial discovery. The Institute runs the regional observatory for environmental technologies. Earlier, the Institute contributed to Regional Innovation Strategy of the Śląskie Voivodeship for the years 2013-2020 and the Technology Development Program of the Śląskie Voivodeship for the years 2010-2020. Institute’s main tasks in the current regional observatory project: updating the Technology Development Program and its Implementation Model; analysis of the regional potential in selected specialisations; delivering recommendations on key technological areas; analysing technological and innovative needs; delivering annual reports of the Networks of Regional Specialised Observatories. The institute was participating in the processes mentioned above because of its historically developed competence (technology development, expertise, liasion) in key regional industries and their environmental issues.
We collaborate with:

Centrum Czystych Technologii Węglowych
City: Katowice
Description: Formal relation ,strengthened in specific projects, with the division of competences and budget.

Instytut Autostrada Technologii i Innowacji
City: Wrocław
Description: Part of the Environment and the Green Economy Engineering Center.

European Network of Environmental Research Organizations
City: All over the world

Network of Regional Specialized Observatories
City: Silesia Region

OIPEEC (International Organization for the Study of Endurance of Ropes
City: Newburn